Saayman Danks Electroplating CC | 63 Harden Av, Sea View, Durban, 4094


Saayman Danks Electroplating CC

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63 Harden Av, Sea View, Durban, 4094

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About Saayman Danks Electroplating CC

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If you are looking for a metal finisher in Durban there is Saayman Danks Electroplating they provide all kinds of metal finishing products. The store is located in Sea View at 63 Harden Avenue trading hours are between 7:15AM4PM on Monday to Thursday and on Friday they close around 2 PM, Saayman Danks Electroplating supplies their products to automotive, shop fitting, food and electrical sectors. Supplying mental finishing products to customers is Saayman Danks Electroplating number one priority, they have a full range of distinctive products they supply to customers, they are a massive company that is growing each day. Saayman Danks Electroplating employees many people to be part of the company they have different skills and experience, they make the company to be diverse and embraces the differences of one another. The mental finisher service provider complies with South African Metal Finishing Association and ISO 9001:2008 standards, their association has enabled the Saayman Danks Electroplating to perfo


63 Harden Av, Sea View, Durban, 4094



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